In the small beach town of Bear Valley, Rhode Island lives ten-year-old Inez Finley, a little girl who has a very big gift handed down to her: an ability to see the future.
Inez Finley is just like most ten-year-olds.
Her life is filled with love from her family.
Mainly from Grandma Esther.
Her parents love her, too, but Grandma is the only one Inez can truly talk to about the dreams she has.
Especially after one of them comes true on the schoolyard.
She is the only one who understands what Inez can see and what the woman in the old photo in Dad's office has to do with it.
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After a long week at school and writing her way through yet another unsettling vision, ten-year-old Inez Finley leaves her small, seaside town of Bear Valley and heads into the city with her mother, grandmother, and best friend Quinn.
As Mom spends the day dealing with the finances of a local restaurant, Inez—along with Grandma Esther and Quinn—make way to a nearby bookshop to search further for answers about the ancestor always present in her dreams: Mercy Finley.
At the shop, the events of the peaceful day erupt into chaos. And Inez’s dreams, yet again, come to life.
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